The Matter of Life - Are the unborn
one of us? Featuring stories of
women, former abortion clinic
workers, historians, religious
workers, pro-life atheists, and
more. (2022, 101 min.)
UnPlanned - Story of Abby Johnson,
director of a Planned Parenthood
clinic, who became pro-life.
(2019, 1 hr 50 min.)
The 40 Film - the effect of 40 years of
legal abortion in the U.S.
(2015, 62 min)
Abortion Procedures Brief (3 - 4 min)
descriptions of abortion procedures
with cartoon-like images. Updated
free viewing online.
God's Miracle of Life - 60 min
presentation by Ob-Gyn to high
school audience, about fetal
development and abortion
Gosnell - film about the trial of Dr.
Kermit Gosnell, who did late term
abortions and killed babies outside
the womb. (2018, 1.5 hr.)
Hush Documentary - the truth about
the medical risks of abortion, made
by a team of both pro-life and pro-
choice members. (2016, two 48
min. segments or 20 min.
condensed version.)
Into My Arms - Several post-abortion
women share their stories, and
insights are offered from those
experienced in helping them heal.
(2013, 58 minutes.)
Sarah's Choice A young professional
woman is faced with an unexpected
pregnancy. She is torn between the
advice of co-workers and her family,
with her future at stake.
(2009, 88 min.)
After the Choice - 13 testimonies of
post-abortive women. (25 min.)
Prenatal Development - (2006,
42 min.)
Dear Children... - a story of post-
abortion healing. (1992, 30 min)
The Hard Truth - pictures of aborted babies, and harsh treatment of pro-life protesters by police. (1991, 9 min.)
NaPro - A Quiet Revolution - documentary about reproductive health care that works with the body's systems. (24 min.)
For Parents: Parent Resource Guide to Protect Your Children from Sexual Harm
Lists free resources available to download that can help you to protect your child from abuse, pornography, and early sex. Resources include conversation guides beginning at preschool age (to use correct names for private body parts), information about the dangers of pornography, sexually transmitted infections and serious health risks of hormonal contraception. Updated Dec 2024.
For Sexually active friends: Facts About Pre-Marital Sex and Contraception
For Doctors (Family Medicine, Ob-Gyns, and Pediatricians):
7 Things Every Family Doc Should Know, and Informed Consent for Hormonal Contraception and Abortion. Bring these to YOUR doctor so he will know the serious risks and alternatives to contraception, where to refer patients for help with unplanned pregnancy, healing after abortion, abortion pill reversal, and the best treatment for infertility. Links provided to more information and where to refer patients.
The table below allows you to scroll through the various resources we have available,
sorted by topic. We have: